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Thursday, July 16, 2015

A change of direction.

This post has been a long time coming.  We stopped distributing for Babyidea last year, ending a 10 year long association.  Despite having a varied range of products, the majority of our business with Babyidea was seasonal, focussed on their baby-carrying accessories.  I was sad, but I needed to make a change in how I used my time and spread my work out over the year.  And to that end, I'm working to improve my teaching skills so that I can offer baby carrying consultations.  I'm taking part in a Trageschule UK "Advanced" course next month, and I'm busy preparing for this with the required coursework!  This includes a report of a consultation.  Since I'm not currently providing this as a service, I'm struggling a little with how to find a guinea-pig!  There are established consultants in the area, whose toes I don't want to tread on at all, I believe strongly that it's of benefit to all of us to work together, but I don't think it's appropriate to charge for my time when, despite having wrapped my now-13yo and 10yo daughters for the first few years of their lives, I am essentially a trainee.

So I'm putting it out there this way.  If there's anyone local who is happy for me to train 'on' them, who is available in the next few days (but not this weekend, as I'm away) for me to follow through the process, please get in touch via the Contact Us link on BabyArmadillo.

And watch this space for further news about our consultation service.

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