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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

BabyArmadillo went to the fair...

I drove through the lifting mist and braved the traffic round Bradford this morning to get to Harrogate, to go to the Nursery Fair. Thought I'd have a look-see at what other people were doing and see if there were any interesting products that I wasn't aware of. In particular I was looking for anything sling-related, and something suitable to replace the Helly potties.

There were the usual pushchair, car-seat and cot brand-names. I had a look at the bebe-confort creatis, the car-seat we used for dd4, which now has a quick-fix base which I'm not convinced by... but then I never used ours as a travel system thing. I also had a look at the Britax CosyTot which is meant to have a support cushion of newborns so that they lie flatter and dont have the risk of breathing problems that can arise for particularly small and/or vulnerable babies, but the cushion's not as good as the one in the Creatis IMO.

I wandered round the cot stands, hoping to find a co-sleeper but sadly no. It surprises me really. But I did talk briefly to the woman from The Wool Company, they sell some lovely stuff including wool-filled duvets, really light and v warm apparently (I didn't lie down to test them! Think I would have been asleep, lol.) And this lovely lush underblanket. They go up to super-king-sized. Mmmmmm...

What else did I see? Oh yes...

  • Baby Cubes which are clever little boxes designed for storing home-made baby food. Being a BLW-er I wouldn't want to use them for that but I will be suggesting them to Merry at BeadMerrily as bead sorting containers :-) Maybe they'd be useful for EBM too?

  • Close Baby Carrier which looks great, organic cotton, lovely and soft, I like the adjustability thing :-)

  • The Peanut Shell pouch and the lovely lush ju-ju-be bags from Jellybean, nice, but then so are Sleepytoes ;-)

  • Great Kids Toys stock the Learning Tower which I've known about for a good while, rave reviews from unschoolers in the US, and the Knee Rider... has to be seen to be appreciated, lol!

  • The PurFlo mattress. Dust mite free, like hammocks, and supports the baby's natural curvature, like hammocks :-)

There was more stuff but I either can't find the brochure I picked up and therefore can't remember what it was, or it's stuff I might be stocking in the future. Watch this space ;-)

1 comment:

nina said...

I'm a soon to be mother and as a woman I love shopping so this is doubly dangerous! I enjoy the cute Shoo Shoos that I've seen. A friend of mine has them for her son and he looks so cute!